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News Plugin

Enhanced news distribution via our WordPress Plugin — eCirculate
We help you connect with your audience and amplify your brand.
Enter eCirculate:
A professional platform and news network for creating and distributing your stories and promoting your brand.
How do you get your voice heard?
Digital media offers huge opportunities to raise awareness of your business, but it also presents big challenges: in the mass of competing channels and online activity, how do you get your voice heard?
A fully integrated media package:
eCirculate provides the perfect integrated package to make sure your news reaches the right audience.
Bespoke feature stories

As part of our integrated media package, we write two original feature stories focusing on your, your brand or an issue of your choice. We will feature each interview, profile or story in one of our specialist online publications, designed to reach your target audience.

Event calendar

Promote your events across our media network by posting it on our event calendar. This is updateable in real time and is embedded in all our media sites.

The blog list

If you want your blogs to reach a wider audience, then a listing on our index across all our media websites will help boost their visibility and raise awareness of the subjects you are publishing content about. When the user clicks on the listed blog, it takes them directly to your own website.

Targetted video uploads

Effective news content is multi-channel, therefore all our media and partner sites have embedded video players. We can upload video content to complement or supplement your news items, and this will have a targeted distribution across our extended news network.

Integrated advertising

Your news story is the perfect vehicle for promoting your brand. We include integrated banner advertising into your digital news story, giving you the opportunity to raise your brand awareness.

You can tie your story in with an event promotion, or to a specific service or product. And your banner is updateable in real time, so even when your story is a few weeks old, you can update the ad with your latest offer.

Tier two

Add current news to your website.

Turn your website into an industry news source. Publish industry news directly from your website via eCircualate­—our news publishing plugin for WordPress